It’s official, Bristol is the healthiest city in the UK…

It’s long been known that our health is closely linked to our environment, with factors such as cleanliness, pollution and noise levels all contributing to our overall physical and mental wellbeing. A recent survey conducted by property sales company Flying Homes has rated participating major British cities based on variables which can have an impact on people’s health and we pleased to say that Bristol is of course number one!

Ranked after Bristol in the top five were Liverpool, Norwich, Newcastle and Leeds with Bristolians setting a great example in how to stay health conscious on a day-to-day basis.

According to the study, 38% of us here in the southwest claim to always cook healthy meals, a whopping 75% of us order take-away less than once a week or not at all and we came within the top three for vegetarian and vegan diets proving that we know how to fill up on our greens too. And as if that wasn’t enough, we are rated top when it comes to hitting the gym too with a fantastic 40% of us exercising more than three times a week.

Given the endless sporting activities going on in Bristol throughout the year, I think we know that we’re generally a bunch of good, healthy eggs but it’s great to see that this stands out when compared to other places within the UK. Let’s all keep up the good work!